
You need to focus on Progressive Web Apps

Nowadays, people spend a lot of their time on smartphone, they are more and more demanding. But mobile application is a mature market today, it is not as rentable as it was. That’s why Google launched Progressive Web Apps (PWA), it is a web application that uses a website but looks like an mobile application for the user. It is neither a responsive website or a mobile app but a mixt of both. In other words, it’s a website with all advantages of an mobile application.


It is a revolution in the digital word, this new way of creating website will totally change our user experience on the web. That’s why I want to present it to you.

First of all,  a PWA must follow fundamental principles to be considered as a PWA:

  • Progressive: accessible for all user, whatever the browser.
  • Responsive: fit with all devices laptop, mobile, tablet.
  • Connectivity independent: people can have access to your app even if they are offline.
  • App-like: design your web application as a mobile app by using app-shell model.
  • Fresh: up-to-data the most frequently.
  • Safe: prevent snooping and ensure you content has not been tampered thanks to HTTPS.
  • Discoverable: are identifiable as application.
  • Re-engageable: use push notifications to make re-engagement easy.
  • Installable: allows user to put your web application on their home screen.
  • Linkable: quickly shareable via URL.

Now you are familiar with all requirement PWA needs, I can explain you why you have to focus on this. PWA have lot of advantages for your web development, you won’t be disappointed, you can trust me! You will have a great SEO and ranking and it is available without Stores. A direct use on mobile as a web app. A great and simple technology base on web standing. To finish, the best is the connectivity independence. All of this will have positive impact on your rate of commitment thanks to low stage of using and a very fast loading.

I hope you understand the relevance of this new tool but if not, feel free to contact us, we will happy to help you.

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smartphone, mobile application, google, progressive web app, PWA, web application, responsive website, digital world, web development, SEO, SERP, ranking, web agency, Bangkok
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