Motion Design

The overall objective of the action was to support the achievement of EU in Thailand by strengthening the EU’s activities on social media channels to engage meaningful exchange and communication between primarily Thai citizens and the EU in Thailand but as equal allow citizens of any nationalities understanding EU’s activities within Thailand.
The specific objective of this project was to support a significant growth of EU’s social media channel Facebook in Thailand by providing a social media strategy, involving copywriting services, giving art direction, producing visuals & videos as well as planning strategically on the content to be published.

European Union reached out to Pimclick because of its expertise across the entirety of the digital spectrum. Indeed, in the current generation and rapidly event-changing technology spectrum, a digital strategy plays a crucial part in bringing new projects and business opportunities for an organisation irrespective of geographical boundaries as well as maintaining a touch with the existing clients.
Results achieved:
- Stronger communities & networks in Thailand with a meaningful impact of the EU
- A better understanding of the EU’s principles and policies among the targeted audience Thailand but also any other nationalities living in or outside of Thailand
- The development of a more positive image of EU in Thailand that responses better with the Thai audience according to their interests and specificities
- An improved engagement with future leaders and opinion-makers / influencers from Thailand and other countries

The primary goal of producing videos and POS materials for the European Union Film Festival is to promote the event while showcasing the EU's involvement in public campaigns in Thailand. It's crucial to identify the most effective channels to reach the event's key target audience: the Thai audience. Localizing content in both English and Thai is critical to convey the message of critically acclaimed or award-winning films through online and offline communication.
The main objective of this project is to promote the culture, diversity, and unique history of the European Union and its member states by showcasing contemporary films produced within the EU. As the EUFF is associated with the European Year of Cultural Heritage celebration, it is crucial to integrate and promote this link effectively. Effective communication between the EU public actors and the target audience must be established through various online and offline channels.