Why you Should Register Your Business with LINE ID Premium Account
Since the previous article gave us useful information on Line Official Account and Line Advertisement platform, the next part of the article will focus on the LINE ID Premium Account. When you create an online page for your business, having a Line Premium Account can be more beneficial for your business in the long run.
What is LINE ID Premium Account
Because premium means unique, or limited, brands that want to enhance their specialty often pay more for a better creditability. Having a premium ID will also make your business stand out among thousands of competitors online as well. Moreover, the cost of a premium ID is 444 baht or $12 annually. This amount of money is considered not pricey compared to the outcome advantages your business will receive.
First, Premium ID is a LINE ID that allows the people to add or find you on LINE Official Account. For instance, a basic ID of a flower shop called Premium Flowers could randomly be @665qecgp. This ID consists of various numbers and is hard for the people to even remember. Therefore, businesses are often willing to pay more and purchase the Premium ID to convert those random letters into their actual letters. For example, suppose Premium Flowers decides to buy a premium ID. In that case, their ID will automatically change from @665qecgp to @premiumflowers, which is a lot easier for the customers to recognize the brand.
Regulations for Line ID Premium Account
- The Premium ID will last for only one year, starting from the day you registered until the last day of the next 11 months
- The continuation contract of the Premium ID must be renewed in the last/final month of the service
- The LINE ID has to be in the English language and may include numbers and symbols ( [ . ], [ _ ], [ – ] ) without more than 18 letters (without spacing)
- The same Premium ID cannot be used/repeated twice
- Premium ID that hasn’t been authorized by LINE can not/will not be able to be used
- Changing the Premium ID is prohibited during the span of the contract. Only cancelations can proceed with the creation of a new Premium ID.
Whether you are an individual, business, shops, company, organization, or government agency, If you want to be recognized in the related business circles, LINE is a great online advertising platform that can make that happen. According to Line Timeline statistics, 93% of smartphone users nationwide, and already, 42 million people are using Line (This is a handy statistic for public relations professionals and marketers on Inbound Marketing). Premium ID is essential when you want to compete in the business world and attract more customers to focus on your brand. The function provides the customer with a more convenient and faster way to access the product information. Moreover, Premium ID is becoming popular with businesses worldwide, especially in Thailand, as it will help increase your brand value and create a creditable image for your business in the long run!
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