Also called graphic design, web design is a discipline consisting in creating, picking and use graphic elements such as drawings, typographical characters, pictures or colours, to develop a communication or cultural tool. Every single element is symbolic and significant in the project. The objectif of graphic design sharing information in the form of visual content to send and make the information clear.
Web design consists therefore in sending the information through internet. This requires to achieve several objectives that our agency in Bangkok, Pimclick, can help you with.
The look of a website is more than just simple remarks, it is first of all creating harmony: balance between spaces and texts, coherence of colours and typography, relevance of the iconography or even hierarchy of information.
All these elements will improve significantly the user experience.
All the images and colours will send nonverbal information and provide the user visual or even hearing senses and emotions allowing him to live an experience. Those emotions and senses will make the user join or not the brand universe. This kind of experience is much used by major brands in order to create an emotional bond and share values between the brand and the user.
Ergonomics of a website is strengthened by the web design in the aim of improving its use. Icons and graphic buttons refer to functions of the website and facilitate the user interaction. Moreover, the selection of the suitable colours, the typography and the font sizes allow the information prioritisation and ensure a better flow between the interface and the internet user.
Quality and finishing touches of a graphically wellstructured interface give a positive impression and a sense of reliability. People are very sensitive to the look of things and quickly formulate a judgment as soon as they land on the homepage of a website, not on the actual content (text and functions) but on the container (web design). Therefore, the form of the website has a direct impact on the reliability of the content. Looking after the web design, especially on the homepage, shows a professional image reassuring the user and winning his trust.
The nonverbal language of web designing gives a precious addedvalue and a professional image to the brand and the product.
Using marketing to sustain products and services sales is a strategy to differentiate your company from competitors and respond to market needs. From this marketing strategy, a company can define a message, called publicity, that design must clearly deliver.
The argument of an advertising message is built around 3 thematic axes: who or what : the information (product or service)
– why : the argument and the benefits for the client
– how : the commitment into action (buy the product or service)
To catch our attention, web design agencies will use one’s senses (humour, imagination, dream, questioning, shock, etc.) to seduce the customer and establish anchoring in his memory.
Design will have to unify the message’s elements to create a matching graphical tone to catch the attention and engage customer’s interest.
To conclude, web designing is not just illustrations. It is a real communication tool facilitating the user experience through friendly ergonomics, transmitting in a clear and the most relevant way a specific message. Web design gives a real addedvalue to the information.