Best 3D tendency
Our creative team really believe in 3D because it is becoming very present in all advertising campaign. Today we will focus on the most tendency 3D design according to us as a web agency.
1. Typography
The goal is to look like impressive and go beyond creatives boundaries, it is efficient to connect and impress customer.
2. 3D art handmade style
Or called ‘digital paintbrush’ is considerably more versatile, using dimensions, creating a design more modern and aesthetically looking tanks to new tools make easier to use hand-drawn techniques.
3. Interactive visual
This style focus on the user witch point out on significative media communication thanks to cyclique and collaborative process between technology and people.
4. Logo in flat design with some depth
Today graphers add depth in their flat design. In order to creates the appearance of a three dimensional space that almost looks true to real life.
5. 3D animated design in flat 2D Design
The goal of this trend is to merge 3D graphics specially animation with flat 2D design.
6. Flexible 3D
It is some time very difficult to recognize the reality from the fiction because all graphers play with this. They incorporate more and more natural organic forms and movements to being more eye-catching.
7. 3D Still Lifes
Digital artists creates outstanding 3D still-life artworks. To demonstrate amazing art direction, sharp textures, nice studio lighting and funny volumes.
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